Diagnosing Coding Errors with ChatGPT


In this assignment, you will learn how to diagnose and resolve coding errors using ChatGPT. As a data analyst, it’s essential to develop the skill of identifying and fixing issues in your code. By using AI-assistants (e.g., ChatGPT) you can find solutions to common coding problems.


1. Create a new quarto blog post for this assignment

2. Load the tidyverse package and read in the supermarket data set in

supermarket_sales <- read_csv("https://bus320-quarto.netlify.app/data/supermarket_sales.csv")

The dataset was created using ChatGPT and has the following variables:

  • invoice_id: Unique identifier for each invoice
  • branch: Branch location of the supermarket
  • city: City where the supermarket is located
  • customer_type: Type of customer (Member or Normal)
  • gender: Gender of the customer
  • product_line: Category of the product purchased
  • unit_price: Price per unit of the product
  • quantity: Number of units purchased
  • tax: Tax applied to the purchase
  • total: Total amount of the purchase (includes tax)
  • date: Date of the purchase
  • time: Time of the purchase
  • payment: Payment method used (Cash or Credit card)
  • cogs: Cost of goods sold
  • gross_margin_percentage: Gross margin percentage
  • gross_income: Gross income
  • rating: Customer rating of the purchase

3. Use glimpse to examine the data

  • Insert a code chunk and glimpse the data



4. Calculate total sales by city including tax

  • Chunk with error
  • Note: you need #| eval: false in the chunks with errors so when you render the post it will not evaluate that chunk
#| eval: false
supermarket_sales |>
  group_by(city) |>
  summarise(total_sales = sum(total_price))
  • The error you receive when running the code is:

Use ChatGPT to identify the error in the code

  • The response from ChatGPT is (put in your own words):

  • Did the response explain the error:

Put the corrected version of the code in a chunk and re-run it.



5. Count the number of sales by product_line and arrange counts in descending order

  • Chuck with error
#| eval: false
supermarket_sales |>
  group_by(product_line) |>
  • The error you receive when running the code is (put in your own words):

Use ChatGPT to identify the error in the code

  • The response from ChatGPT is

  • Did the response explain the error

Put the corrected version of the code in a chunk and re-run it.



6. Create a horizontal barplot to display the average rating by product line.

#| eval: false
supermarket_sales |>
  group_by(product_line) |>
  summarise(mean_rating = mean(rating)) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = mean_rating, y = reorder(product_line, mean_rating))) |>
  geom_col() |>
  labs(y = NULL, x = NULL, title = "Average product rating by product line")

  • The error you receive when running the code is:

Use ChatGPT to identify the error in the code

  • The response from ChatGPT is (put in your own words):

  • Did the response explain the error:

Put the corrected version of the code in a chunk and re-run it.


  1. Did you find the response from ChatGPT was more helpful than the error message? Explain.

  2. How likely are you to use ChatGPT to assist you with programming? (1 = not likely… 5 = very likely) Explain.

Submit the link to your published quarto blog post on Camvas0.