Lab 1

BUS 320

Elizabeth Stanny

Install packages

  • go to the package tab
  • install tidyverse, openintro, skimr, ggmosaic, scales, ggcharts, plotly

Change viewer options


Build Website

=> Render Website

  • If you don’t see Render Website in the Build tab, close and open your project.


Publish to Netlify

  • go to the terminal

  • |> quarto publish netlify


Change site name and modify _publish.yml


  • url to new site name

Publish to Netlify again

$ quarto publish netlify

Modify about.qmd

Modify the about page to include your input

  • title - your name
  • links - your links
  • image
    • delete the file profile.jpg
    • upload your image into your quarto project directory
    • rename it profile.jpg
  • Include 2 sentences about yourself
  • Modify Education
  • Modify Experience
  • Save
  • Optional: modify the template

Modify _quarto.yml

  • Change title name
  • Modify links
  • Optional the modify the theme
  • Save
  • Check that everything works

Build Website

=> Render Website

Publish to Netlify

  • Terminal: quarto publish

Check that your site on the web

  • Submit the url to Assignment 1