Lab 2

BUS 320

Elizabeth Stanny

Open up your quarto project

Go to the posts directory

Open lab02.qmd

  • Run the first code chunk

  • Start at Dr. Arbuthnot’s Baptism Records

  • Read the text

  • Type in and run all the commands the console

Complete Exercises 2-7

  • Exercise 1 is done for you
  • For each exercise put the code in the chunk and the text outside the chunk
  • Leave a blank line between the code and text chunks

Videos for the exercises on the topic page

Preview your assignment

  • Click Render at the top of the pane

Publish to netlify

  • First: Stop any background jobs in the Background jobs tab

  • Next go to the Terminal tab: quarto publish netlify

Check that your site on the web

  • Submit the url to assignment 2