
0. Load libraries


1. Describe why you selected the dataset. In two or more sentences without spelling or grammatical errors.

2. Download the dataset and read in

data_in <-  read_csv(file = here("posts", "data_raw.csv"))

3. Use glimpse to preview the data


4. Data preparation steps - took the appropriate steps to prepare the data for analysis

Describe all the steps that you took to prepare the data for analysis

  • I started with data_in

  • THEN

  • THEN

5. Wrote the data you need for your plots to a csv file

7. Create a static plot with at least three lines. The plot contains appropriate labels, title and caption

Describe all the steps that you took to create the static plot in two or more sentences without spelling or grammatical errors

8. Create an interactive plot

Describe the step(s) that you took to create an interactive plot

9. Describe insights from your line plots in two or more sentences without spelling or grammatical errors

10. Create a bar chart with at least one bar highlighted. Plot contains appropriate labels, title and caption

Describe the step(s) that you took to create your bar chart in two or more sentences without spelling or grammatical errors

11. Describe insights from your bar chart in two or more sentences without spelling or grammatical errors

12. Indicate the package(s) that you used in this post and the functions they contain that you used (e.g., used filter from the dplyr package to extract the observations for the four countries, …)